Wednesday, June 8, 2016

EEOC Confidential Services for Workplace Working Women - Sexual Harassment Complaints Claims and Cash Settlements - The Boss has the Money, but you're not a sex slave for cash. When your Manager, Supervisor, Owner or Executive tells a dirty joke, hands you a twenty dollar bill, shows you a nude picture or rubs your shoulder, contact us at once.

WorkPlace Sexual Harassment is Illegal by Law.  EEOC Confidential Services for Women only will help you keep your dignity and get the cash with your clothes on. 

The Boss has the Money, but you're not a sex slave for cash.  When your Manager, Supervisor, Owner or Executive tells a dirty joke, hands you a twenty dollar bill, shows you a nude picture or rubs your shoulder, contact us at once.

EEOC Confidential Services for Workplace Working Women - Sexual Harassment Complaints Claims and Cash Settlements - 


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